
Wearing Aprons

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago

Look who is wearing an apron!

If you would like to connect with an apron, please email mtampoya@gmail.com and I will connect you.

Bevies and friends and food...OH MY!

Name: Michelle "MISH" Tampoya


Blog: http://www.mishsplayground.com

City: Toronto, ON


I like to eat. Nope, I LOVE, LUV, WHUV to eat...and get quite cranky when I am hungry.


Name: Victoria de Leon-Robson

City: Mississauga, ON


Name: Jenn Kirstein

City: London, ON


Name: Norma Stewart

City: London, ON


Name: Esperanza Tampoya

City: Oakville, ON


Name: Chitra Paranjape

City: Mississauga, ON


Name: Renita Paranjape

City: Toronto, ON


Name: Susan Vanderhoeven**

City: London, ON

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